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Highlands Foundation

Meeting the health care needs of the residents of Jackson County is our priority. Your donations to the Highlands Foundation allow us to better meet those needs by investing in emergency medical equipment, technology upgrades, facility improvements, and more. 

Highlands Foundation is a not-for-profit organization established to unite our community with our hospital, home health, rehabilitation, skilled nursing facilities, urgent care, and ambulance service. We believe that the strength of our community lies in the ability to provide you with quality health care close to home.

Your gift will help many people in our community.

Charitable giving gives hope to patients and helps raise health care in our community to a whole new level of excellence. Your gifts help make Highlands Medical Center and its affiliates what it is today. As our community continues to grow, Highlands Medical Center and its affiliates are committed to providing enhanced medical care, more skilled jobs, and increased community outreach to ensure longer and healthier lives for us now and for generations to come. Jackson County is where you’ve chosen to raise your family. It’s a place where the word 'neighbor' means a little more. It’s a place where you have a quality of life that other people across the country only dream about. It’s a place where you know you will get excellent health care from Highlands Medical Center and its affiliates. In the past 60 years, Highlands Medical Center has grown from an eight-bed hospital into a health care organization that reaches communities and families far beyond our walls.

We offer state-of-the-art health care close to home, so when seconds count you do not have to leave Jackson County. And when your loved ones become a guest in one of our health care entities, you can spend more time with them and less time driving out of town.

That is why we ask you to consider partnering with Highlands Foundation. Become a partner in our mission to enhance patient care. Join the Highlands Foundation Circle of Friends today by contacting: Kaylyn Graham, Director of Foundation, via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 256-218-3818

Ways to Give

Your support matters. We have a vision for the future that will last long beyond the days in which our individual footsteps are heard in the halls. All who know and love Highlands Medical Center and its affiliates are called upon to participate with generous enthusiasm in this our campaign to build understanding of the need to bring more cutting edge technologies, new equipment, and better health- care education to Jackson County. Your gifts to this campaign are very much needed.

Ways to Give Today

The following details how you might financially support the Highlands Foundation Community Awareness Campaign. Your support is very much appreciated, however you choose to contribute. Donors may choose to make significant gifts to the Highlands Foundation Community Awareness Campaign in a variety of ways, including a pledge over a three, four or five year period.


Give a gift in support of the Campaign over the course of three to five years on a payment schedule of your design.


Every dollar you give to the Highlands Foundation is tax deductible up to the maximum of 50% of your adjusted gross income. Any amount given in excess of this limitation can be carried over and deducted for up to five subsequent years.


Many corporations recognize the support of a nonprofit organization by an employee or other eligible individual. If your business fits this category, Highlands Foundation will award you Campaign credit for both your gift and its match.


If you have marketable securities that have grown substantially in value, the tax laws make it possible for you to make an important gift at remarkably low, after-tax cost. To make direct gifts to the Foundation and gain significant tax advantages, notify your broker or banker.


Contribution of shares of stock in a closely held corporation allows the owner to avoid having the gift recognized in the form of dividends, for taxing purposes. Even though the corporation makes the contribution, the individual is entitled to a charitable tax deduction in relation to the percent ownership in the business.


“Hidden assets,” such as antiques, paintings, jewelry and other “collectibles”, may be valuable assets that you no longer feel the need to retain and can be gifted with tax advantage.


Another common “hidden asset” for giving is a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for its original purpose. The cash value of the policy is immediately available for tax deduction purposes.


Donated real estate may include vacation homes, farms, second home, inherited or unneeded property, acreage or lots. This type of donation allows you to avoid capital gains tax on your profit and receive an income-tax deduction of the full, fair market value of the property.

Ways to Give Tomorrow

The following details how you might financially support the Highlands Foundation Community Awareness Campaign. Your support is very much appreciated, however you choose to contribute. Donors may choose to make significant gifts to the Highlands Foundation Community Awareness Campaign in a variety of ways, including a pledge over a three, four or five year period.


In addition to supporting Highlands Foundation Campaign with your gift today, you can endow the future of the Foundation by giving a small or large planned gift. Long after this Highlands Foundation Campaign is completed, your planned gift will endow the Foundation to fund future capital needs.


Provide meaningful and substantial support by a provision in your will for Highlands Foundation, while retaining full use of the gift property during your life. Bequests may be a lump sum, a percentage of your estate, what’s left in an estate after all other obligations are met or a particular item or piece of real estate.


Receive immediate and long-range income estate tax benefits by naming Highlands Foundation as the irrevocable beneficiary and owner of a life insurance policy. If you elect to do so, you may continue paying what becomes tax-deductible premiums. The full value of the policy, with no reduction for the estate tax, will come to us for the benefit of future generations served by Highlands Foundation.


To transfer wealth in a tax-advantaged manner, create a trust that produces income payable to Highlands Foundation. After what is usually a ten-year term, your trust assets are then passed to your family or others.


Create a trust in which you place money or property with instructions to pay you or another person income, in most cases for life. The income will be a set percentage of the trust’s value. When you or the person receiving the income passes on, the “remainder” of the trust passes to Highlands Foundation.


Maintain ownership of your assets during your lifetime and make provision to distribute them to Highlands Foundation after you pass on. If you wish, the Highlands Foundation benefit can be deferred while lifetime benefits are paid to a spouse or another person.


You can make a gift for the future benefit of Highlands Foundation and retain fixed lifetime annuity payments for yourself or other beneficiaries. After the death of the last beneficiary, the principal goes to Highlands Foundation.


Transfer property to Highlands Foundation even as you retain your rights of use or income privileges. The property passes to the Foundation after the death of the last beneficiary.

Make a Donation

To donate to the Highlands Foundation, contact Kaylyn Murphy

Phone: (256) 218-3818
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mail contributions to:
Highlands Foundation
P.O. Box 1050
Scottsboro, AL 35768